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爱晚亭导游词400字 爱晚亭导游词讲解(15篇)

2024-02-10 互联网 实用范文


爱晚亭导游词400字 爱晚亭导游词讲解篇一












爱晚亭导游词400字 爱晚亭导游词讲解篇二













爱晚亭导游词400字 爱晚亭导游词讲解篇三








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爱晚亭导游词400字 爱晚亭导游词讲解篇五

dear friends

hello everyone! i'm glad to accompany you to visit yuelu mountain scenicspot

yuelu mountain, located on the west bank of xiangjiang river in changshacity, is the tail of the 72 peaks of hengshan mountain. it has been a famousscenic spot since ancient times although yuelu is not high, it is indeed afamous mountain with rich cultural heritage. there are 15 places listed as keycultural relics protection units at or above the provincial level. qingfengxia,aiwanting, lushan temple, baihequan, caie's tomb, huangxing's tomb, yuwang'stomb, yunlu palace, yuelu academy and other nearly 100 scenic spots areattractive everywhere.

now, i come to qingfeng gorge, the core scenic spot of yuelu mountain. herelush forest, trees into yin, streams around, three sides against the peak,beautiful scenery in the clip show, intoxicating. from qingfeng gorge to the topof the mountain, a large number of primitive secondary forests have beenpreserved, with a total of 977 species of plants, 555 of which are wild seedplants, and exotic flowers and plants can be seen everywhere. at the entrance ofqingfeng gorge, one of the most famous pavilions in china, ai wan pavilion,stands high. ai wan pavilion was built in 1972, the 57th year of qianlong reignof qing dynasty. its founder was luo dian, the head of yuelu academy, a scholarand educator at that time. in the past, fenglin was all over qingfeng gorge, soluodian named the pavilion "hongye pavilion", also known as "aifeng pavilion".later, the governor of huguang, bi yuan, felt that the scenery here was veryclose to du mu's poem "a trip to the mountains" and changed its name to "ai wanting". indeed, in late autumn, the top of yuelu mountain is shrouded in cloudsand mist, and the maple leaves around aiwan pavilion are as red as fire andgorgeous as blazing, which vividly expresses the artistic conception of thepoem.

now, you can see the whole picture of aiwan pavilion. it sits in the westand faces east, surrounded by mountains and craggy rocks. it is surrounded bystreams on the left and right, with mountains, trees, streams and stones flowingin different directions. in his youth, when he was studying and working in hunanno.1 normal university, comrade mao zedong often went to aiwanting together withcai hesen, luo xuezan, zhang kundi and other close friends to "point out riversand mountains, excite and pronounce words", sometimes even all night. when thepavilion was rebuilt in 1952, li da, the then head of hunan university, askedchairman mao to write a title for the pavilion. chairman mao happily wrote downthe three characters "ai wan ting", which is the plaque on the lintel of thepavilion.

now you can see that there is a couplet on the pavilion: "the mountain pathis red and comfortable at night, and five hundred young peaches are new; theclouds in the gorge are deep and green, and a pair of tamed cranes are waitingfor the cage." this is the title of luo dian, the builder of ai wan pavilion. itshows the style of ai wan pavilion at that time.

when changsha and kagoshima became friendly cities, aiwan pavilion, as asymbol of the ancient city of changsha, was imitated and built in japan, thusbecoming a messenger of sino japanese friendship.

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爱晚亭导游词400字 爱晚亭导游词讲解篇七












爱晚亭导游词400字 爱晚亭导游词讲解篇八

hello, ladies and gentlemen. welcome to visit aiwan pavilion.

love evening pavilion is located at the foot of yuelu mountain, that is,you are now in the breeze gorge. yuelu mountain is a typical urban scenicmountain. according to historical records: "eight hundred miles around nanyue,huiyan (in hengyang city of hunan province today) is the leader, yuelu is thefoot." the highest altitude of bixu peak, the main peak of yuelu mountain, isonly 300.8 meters, and its relative height is less than 200 meters. however, ithas a wide area. the main vein is about 4 kilometers long from north to southand 2 kilometers wide from east to west, with a total area of 553.0 hectares. inaddition to the surrounding hills, it has a total area of 23 squarekilometers.

although yuelu mountain is not high, it is a huge "natural museum". thewhole mountain is covered by forests, and the natural resources are extremelyrich. there are 174 families and 977 species of plant species in the region,mainly in the typical subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest and subtropicalwarm coniferous forest, and a large area of primary evergreen broad-leavedsecondary forest is still preserved in some areas. ancient and famous trees canbe seen everywhere. luohansong in the jin dynasty, gingko in the tang dynasty,camphor in the song and yuan dynasties, and maple chestnut in the ming and qingdynasties are all vigorous and towering. it is rare for large and medium-sizedcities in china to have such rich natural plant resources. according toscientific research, one fifth of the oxygen consumption in changsha city comesfrom yuelu mountain, which shows that yuelu mountain can also be called the"oxygen station" of changsha city.

"if the mountain is not high, there will be immortals; if the water is notdeep, there will be dragons.". although there are no immortals on yuelumountain, there are many scenic spots. only 15 of them are listed as keycultural relics protection units at or above the provincial level. the ancientlushan temple, the deep yuelu academy, the clear yunlu palace, and the strongtombs of huangxing and caie are all fascinating. but the beauty of yuelumountain lies in the love pavilion you will see in front of you. ai wan pavilionwas built in 1792 in the 57th year of emperor qianlong of qing dynasty. thefounder was luo dian, the head of yuelu academy at that time. in the past,qingfeng gorge was full of ancient maple trees. in late autumn, the gorge wasfull of red flowers. therefore, the pavilion was originally called "hongyepavilion" or "aifeng pavilion". when we talk about the present name of "ai wanting", we may think of du mu's famous poem "a journey to the mountains", whichis written by the poet of the tang dynasty. park and sit in the maple forest atnight. frost leaves are red in february flowers. indeed, the scenery aroundaiwan pavilion can be said to reflect the artistic conception of du mu's poem "ajourney to the mountains" incisively and vividly, and the reason why aiwanpavilion is famous is that it ranks among the four famous pavilions in china, toa large extent, it also benefits from this poem. but don't get me wrong, du mu's"journey to the mountains" is not a poem specially written for this pavilion. dumu lived in the tang dynasty. ai wan ting was renamed by bi qiufan, governor ofhuguang in the qing dynasty, according to du mu's poem. however, there isanother folk saying about the origin of the pavilion name. it is said that yuanmei, a young talent from the south of the yangtze river, once made a specialtrip to yuelu academy to visit luodian, the head of the mountain. however,luodian was already famous all over the world. he didn't want to see such arising star at all. yuan mei turned around and went up the mountain withoutsaying a word. on yuelu mountain, yuan cai zi's poetry flourished

dafa saw a scene and wrote a poem. only when he arrived at the red leafpavilion, he only copied du mu's poem "a journey to the mountains" and left outtwo words. the last two sentences were copied as: "stop and sit in the mapleforest, frost leaves are red in february flowers." when luo dian heard about it,he went up the mountain with it. along the way, he saw yuan mei's poems, full oftalent and praise. when he arrived at the red leaf pavilion, he understood themall at once: this is changing the way to say that i don't "love late" and don'tcare for the younger generation. come on, let's change the name of this pavilionto "aiwanting". thus, the red leaf pavilion became the love eveningpavilion.

legend belongs to legend. when it comes to the scenery, aiwan pavilion isworthy of being a unique scenery of yuelu mountain. there, in spring, themountains are green; in summer, the moon is bright and the wind is clear; inautumn, the forests are dyed; in winter, the snow is white. at this moment, wehave been able to clearly see the whole picture of this world famous pavilion faces east from the west, with mountains on three sides and mapleleaves on all sides. it is surrounded by streams on the left and right. thereare grotesque rocks in front and behind, with mountains, trees, streams andstones flowing.

for ai wan ting, one word can be used to describe it ancient. ai wanpavilion has both ancient shape and ancient meaning, and is good at ancienttaste.

let's talk about ancient forms first. this is a typical chinese classicalgarden pavilion. it is built with double eaves and four pinnacles. double eavesmeans two sets of roofs, which makes the pavilion vigorous and natural; fourdrapes means four bevels, which makes the pavilion dignified and dignified,square and bright; the sharp roof makes the pavilion have a centripetalcohesion. all of these are a manifestation of chinese traditional culture,especially the reflection of the thought of stressing "reason", "standing up"and "unification" in neo confucianism culture. ai ting ting has condensed manyessences of china's traditional culture, and it is difficult for the weirdpeople to visit them. the eaves angle of the pavilion is inverted concave curveand tilts upward, which makes the original heavy and sinking pavilion top have alively and elegant feeling. in addition, its red pillars, green tiles, whitejade guardrails and painted caisson all reflect the ancient beauty of thiscentury old pavilion.

let's talk about its ancient meaning. ancient chinese architecture attachesgreat importance to feng shui, that is to say, yin yang and five elements, whichis also reflected in ai wan pavilion. aiwanting is backed by bixu peak, the mainpeak of yuelu mountain. there is a ridge winding down on the left and right, andin front of it, you can see the surging water of hunan. this terrain is in linewith the traditional layout of "left green dragon, right white tiger, rearxuanwu, front rosefinch". besides, it is surrounded by mountains on three sides,with luxuriant trees, which belong to trees; the stream encircles the "banmiaofangtang", which belongs to water; the pavilion sits in the west and faces theeast, with the morning light, which belongs to fire; the pavilion stands high onthe earth mound, with strange stones, which belongs to earth. in the fiveelements of "gold, wood, water, fire and earth", there is only "gold" missing,so the pavilion is painted with red lacquer, and the five elements are complete,which is very lucky.

the most important thing is the ancient taste of aiwan pavilion. there aremany anecdotes around the pavilion. the story of luo dianqu changing the name ofthe pavilion mentioned above is an example. of course, it's just a legend, butit's true that chairman mao visited here frequently in those years. comrade maozedong studied and worked in changsha for 10 years from 1913 to 1923. in his 10years of life, young mao zedong took his best friends cai hesen, luo xuezan,zhang kundi and others to tour the xiangjiang river many times and climb theyuelu mountain, where he "pointed out the rivers and mountains and encouragedthe writing". on the one hand, he exercised his body, on the other hand, heexplored the truth, and at the same time, he enhanced the friendship betweenthem. it can be said that he killed three birds with one stone.

on this day, you can see a love pavilion full of spirituality. however,this ancient pavilion is full of hardships. in the past, the pavilion was fullof ruins. luo dian made great efforts to repair it, dredge waterways, transplantflowers and trees, which made the pavilion full of vitality. the couplet you seeon the pavilion column is the one luo dian wrote: "the mountain path is red andcomfortable in the evening, and five hundred young peaches are new; the gorgemountain is deep and green, and a pair of tamed cranes are waiting to be caged."it shows the elegant demeanor of ai wan pavilion. however, after severalvicissitudes, the pavilion was destroyed and repaired repeatedly. it was notuntil the founding of new china that it was fully restored. in 1952, hunanuniversity appropriated special funds to rebuild the pavilion. at that time,president li da of hunan university wrote a special letter asking chairman maoto write the name of the pavilion. at this moment, the plaque with gold-platedred background on the pavilion lattice was written by chairman himself. the poemplaque of "qinyuan spring changsha" hanging in the pavilion is also thechairman's handwriting, which makes the ancient pavilion more brilliant. aiwanpavilion has become the symbol of the ancient city of changsha.

爱晚亭导游词400字 爱晚亭导游词讲解篇九








爱晚亭导游词400字 爱晚亭导游词讲解篇十







爱晚亭导游词400字 爱晚亭导游词讲解篇十一







爱晚亭导游词400字 爱晚亭导游词讲解篇十二









爱晚亭导游词400字 爱晚亭导游词讲解篇十三

ai wan pavilion was first built in 1792, the 57th year of qianlong reign ofqing dynasty. it was founded by luo dian, the head of yuelu academy, a scholarand educator at that time. in the past, fenglin was all over qingfeng gorge, soluodian named the pavilion "hongye pavilion", also known as "aifeng pavilion".later, the governor of huguang, bi yuan, felt that the scenery there was verysuitable for du mu's poem "a trip to the mountains" of the tang dynasty, so herenamed it "ai wan ting".

far up the cold mountain, the stone path is inclined, and there are peoplein the depths of the white clouds;

park and sit in maple forest at night, frost leaves are red in februaryflowers.

indeed, in late autumn, the top of yuelu mountain is shrouded in clouds andmist, and the maple trees around aiwan pavilion are as red as fire and gorgeousas blazing, which vividly expresses the artistic conception of the poem.

at this moment, i can see the panorama of aiwan pavilion. it sits in thewest and faces east, surrounded by towering green mountains and jagged rocks. itis surrounded by streams on the left and right, with mountains, trees, streamsand stones flowing.

aiwan pavilion is a typical chinese classical pavilion with a sharp top. ithas two sets of roofs; it is called "double eaves", which is vigorous; its roofadopts four inclined ridges, which is called "four drapes", which shows thebeauty of being steady and dignified; the sharp roof makes the pavilion have akind of centripetal cohesion. all of these are the embodiment of confucianism inancient architecture, such as emphasizing "reason", "standing on one's own",emphasizing "golden mean" and "great unification" in chinese traditionalculture. at the same time, the eaves angle of the pavilion is concave curveupward, which makes the original heavy and sinking pavilion have a lively andelegant feeling. together with danzhu biwa, baiyu guardrail and painted caisson,the ancient beauty of this century old pavilion is fully displayed.

aiwan pavilion is not only a place of historic interest, but also a holyland of revolution. in his youth, when he was studying and working in hunan no.1normal university, comrade mao zedong often went to aiwanting together with caihesen, luo xuezan, zhang kundi and other close friends to "point out rivers andmountains, encourage writing", sometimes even all night. old man zhou shizhao, amember of xinmin society at that time, recalled this period of time. he wrote apoem "walking on shakespeare in autumn, visiting the love pavilion in theevening"

bijian sound qin, red forest for painting, a mountain autumn more naturaland unrestrained. in order to find the past, i went to fangting to pick upyingfengyi school.

when you are in the mountains, you are worried about the world. you cancount on the hurdles and spend the night. we should write the history from thebeginning.

because of this, when the pavilion was rebuilt in 1952, li da, thenpresident of hunan university, asked chairman mao to inscribe the an mao happily wrote down the three characters "ai wan ting", which is theplaque on the lintel of the pavilion.

at the moment, you can see a couplet on the pavilion column: "the mountainpath is red and comfortable at night, and five hundred young peaches are new;the gorge clouds are deep and green, and a pair of tamed cranes are waiting tobe caged." this is the title of luo dian, the builder of ai wan pavilion. itshows the style of ai wan pavilion at that time.

爱晚亭导游词400字 爱晚亭导游词讲解篇十四

dear tourists

hello everyone!

my name is feng mingyue. you can call me xiao feng. i'm glad to be yourtour guide. today i'm going to visit yuelu mountain with you. we'll have arelaxing and happy day.

this is yuelu mountain, 308 meters above sea level.

now we are at the foot of yuelu mountain. please look at this old housewith mossy tiles. it is the famous yuelu academy. yuelu academy is a brightpearl in the long river of chinese history and culture. together with bailudongacademy, songyang academy and yingtianshu academy, he is known as china's fourmajor academies. it has a long history. it was built in 976. zhu xi, a famousneo confucianist and educator in the southern song dynasty, gave lectures 's continue to look up. this is aiwan pavilion. four red pillars, like a pinetree, stand straight in front of us, supporting the green roof.

look, it's like a big tree. it is perfectly combined with the beautifulscenery. on the top of the pavilion, there are three glittering gold charactersof aiwan pavilion.

aiwanting, formerly known as the red leaf iron box, was later renamed asaiwanting because of the famous tang dynasty poet du mu's poem about stopping tosit in the maple forest at night and the frost leaf is red in february is also known as one of the four famous pavilions in china. there are manyscenic spots in yuelu mountain.

let's have a rest. we'll visit more beautiful and wonderful scenic spotslater. please pay attention to that. don't run too far away during the rest nearby to avoid the team. pay attention to safety. we'll meet at thegate in 20 minutes.

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