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mba面试自我介绍范文解析 本文由自我鉴定网提供参考阅读!






文章来源于:(作者:好范文)mba面试自我介绍攻略 来源:2014-08-2116:26 接到面试通知后,最好在家打个自我介绍的草稿,然后试着讲述几次,感觉一下。






mba面试自我介绍应注意的技巧 在mba面试时,大多数面试考官会要求考生做一个自我介绍,一方面以此了解考生的大概情况,另一方面考察考生的口才、应变和心理承受、逻辑思维等能力。千万不要小视这个自我介绍,它既是打动面试考官的敲门砖,也是推销自己的极好机会,因此一定要好好把握。考生具体应注意以下几点:
















以上就是关于美国mba面试自我介绍原则的介绍,希望本篇文章能够为大家了解美国留学mba带来帮助,祝愿大家美国mba面试成功。mba面试英文自我介绍 mba面试英文自我介绍 mba面试英文自我介绍 mba面试的英文自我介绍范文 mba面试英文自我介绍




mba面试自我介绍范文1 good morning!

nice to meet you of all, please allow me to expre my appreciation for the opportunity to take part in today’s i will make a brief introduction about name is xxi’m 29 years old, i’m a native of chongqing girl.i graduated from the chongqing normal university in july, majoring in the past seven years,i have been worked in china mobile chongqing branch and i was a last october.i have been studying in a mba training institute where i make many friends from all walks of now i am taking this interview for the final result.i hope i can pa the exam smoothly and further my mba e, for my part, mba learning will be a part of my academic journey ,and during this colorful journey i will meet different kinds of friends with whom i can enrich my studies and personal lives rmore am sure i can learn a lot from mba courses, and finish my tasks better.i think i’m an optimistic, openminded, hardworking and responsibility person.i will try my best to do every my spear time, i like traveling, surfing the e i think they can broaden my horizon(视野更开阔)

with 7 years working experiences, i have deeply understand what i have learned was not enough for my that is the reason why i choose to further my study with the mba degree.i think i would be an excellent student of your mba , that is all, thank you for your 面试自我介绍范文2 good afternoon, teachers.i am very glad to be here for this let me introduce name is abc, 25 years old.i come from weifang, a beautiful city of shandong province.i graduated from commercial college in july, xx and major in , i was a teacher in abc, when i was a senior school student, i am interested in thought and began to read a certain claic work of marxism, especially i finished reading “the florilegium of mao zedong”.from then on, i have dabbled in more and more theoretical works and accumulated great interests in theory study, especially in marxism.i have a dream, a dream of my study.i wish devote my whole life and energy into the development of the i have the opportunity to study in abc university, i’ll dabble in as much as document about the specialty as it is poible, i want to get the primary accomplishment in my major, at least, a stable ally, for today’s china, the first task to the development of marxism is a proce of ’s to say, we should understand marxism mostly from the aspect of construction and development of social when our socialistic country has a more rapid and balance development than the capitalistic, we can enhance the attractivene and persuasion of marxism 面试自我介绍范文3 good morning, i’m glad to have the opportunity to have this name is 33years old.i come from city, xxxx province.i am woking in xxx bureau, in charge with the administration of ma teachers are not familiar with this , i would like to introduce it stration of ma sports is composed of three parts: organization of national fitkeeping program, building of physical fitne facilities, administration of ma the rapid development of economy and society, the constant improvement of the level of living, people are becoming more conscious of health and fitne, the stre on administration of ma sports is weighing more and more the beginning of my work in xx,i have always been engaged in major at university is english, wtihout the systematic learning on management, i can only learn by practice in the past chief purpose of applying for the mba of china university of xx is to promote myself through systematic management education, i would also like to take this opportunity to communicate with teachers and clamates, which could help to summarizing my experience in the past 10 years and make clear my new goals and directions for the i could be a member of the mba program of china university of xxx, i will make the best of the chance of learning in the university, follow the school regulations strictly.i will finish the study in terms of schedule at school , combine the theory i learn with what i have experienced in the administration of ma sports , and make further progre on my 面试自我介绍范文4 respected profeors:

good afternoon!im great honored to meet you allow me to give a brief selfintroduction:

im *******,26 years old , born in ***** city ,henan year 1996,i entered ********university, majoring in machincal designing and those 4 yearsstudy,i worked hard and i was always active in various activities.i gained the first scholarship for four times and i joined the communist party at the my graduation in june xx,i worked in got a position in the technology department the first year and i was involved in several internet projects, such as the one for college student recruitment in henan province and the one for computer center in mathmatics department in zhengzhou to my hard work ,i was rewarded the best newcomer prize in the year next year, i was transferred into the principal customer department, responsible for the developing and strengthening a good relationship between the principal customers and my major customers, henan provincipal department of transportation and henan provincial department of personnel, are under my r,with time going on ,the more i experienced, the clearer i realized that im really interested in the enterprise management.i find many enterprises have the problem of an unmatched management to its developing eager

to learn more about management and i hope i can study further in this i resigned in august , xx and started the way to pursuing my about half years hard work, im finally standing before you honorable profeors really ive sacrificed much on my way to pusuing studies, i believe its worthwhile.i believe working hard will finally be you!











二.自我介绍的5个要素 回答自我介绍的要点内容不在多,而是要体现个人职业成就及综合素质,应该涵盖以下基本信息: 1、个人基本信息:姓名、教育背景

2、重要/突出的职业背景:工作年限、所在企业、所在行业、从事岗位及职责、重大业绩及奖励,注意数据化 3、报考动机:报考mba的理由






mba面试自我介绍 mba面试自我介绍1 各位老师,早上好!很荣幸有机会参加此次面试。我希望今天我能有好的表现。我希望此次面试能够成功。现在,请允许我自我介绍一下。我叫***,今年26岁,出生于**省。毕业于**学院**专业。我在***年毕业获得学士学位。大学期间,我努力学习,掌握了基本的专业知识。成为一名优秀的企业经理人是我长期渴望的梦想。我渴望有机会施展我的才能。

本科毕业后,我在***实习,从事***工作,扎实的会计专业课基础使我在工作中如鱼得水。实习期间,我努力做好本职工作的同时,注意发现大厅人员管理中的问题,并带来了很多新颖的可操作的发展思路。2014年,我进入***公司,从事***工作。较强的逻辑思维能力和系统思维能力,使我在工作中能够正确处理***工作方方面面的问题。通过参加公司内部计划的制定,我对管理知识有了更深入的理解和掌握,因此,我有信心进一步学习管理知识,从事企业管理或相关研究工作。之所以报考mba,主要有以下三点原因:一是我对管理学有强烈的兴趣,希望能够深入系统的开展相关知识的学习;二是为了实现企业经理人的梦想,需要更深层次的自我发展,学习提高;三是为了指导实际工作,经过mba的锻炼,能够提升自已的管理能力,提高所在企业的管理水平。最后我希望9月份能够以学生的身份出现在这里,聆听各位老师的教诲!我的介绍完了,谢谢!mba面试自我介绍2 各位老师,早上好。首先我先自我介绍一下。我叫xxx,今年xx岁,来自xxx地方,20xx年我本科毕业于xxx大学,主修xxx专业,毕业后我进入的第一家公司是xxxxxxx公司,我的岗位是xxxx,我负责xxxxx,在这个公司的几年内我获得了xxxx方面的提升,我进入的第二家公司是xxxxxxx公司,我的岗位是xxxx,我负责xxxxx,在这个公司的几年内我达成了xxxx项目,帮助企业获得了xxx万的利润或者对公司产生了xxx长远影响。另外我在公司期间,每年都获得xxx奖章/奖励,我曾带领我的团队(几个人)完成了xxx项目,通过这个项目我的xxx能力获得了极大提升,同时获得了同事的大力支持和认可,为我以后的职业发展奠定了坚实的基础。我想考mba的原因很简单,因为我的职位在公司近几年一直处于上升状态,我发现在大学当中学习的知识不足以支持我很好的胜任我现在的管理岗位,所以我非常希望通过咱们xxxx大学的深造,让我的职业生涯能够更顺利的提升;同时咱们xxx大学的专业是全国mba商学院中排名都非常考前非常有特色,这点能够很好的帮助我完善我的管理经验;还有一点,咱们xxx大学的校友会在xxx行业的影响力非常强,我希望在xxx大学学习的同时,能够很好的拓展行业内的人脉圈。mba面试自我介绍3 各位老师好,我叫邓小群,1998年毕业于哈尔滨工业大学.同年分配到北京工作,现在就职一家外企亿书堂公司市场部部门经理。下面我想从两个方面介绍一下我自己。工作业绩:




在亿书堂公司,作为市场部部门经理,带领客户经理,面对包括北大方正等竞争对手,最终将我们的软件系统与惠普、康柏、恒基伟业四大随身电脑硬件平台捆绑成功!使我们的软件成为该行业的一种标准!mba面试自我介绍4 各位老师,早上好!很荣幸有机会参加此次面试。我希望今天我能有好的表现。我希望此次面试能够成功。现在,请允许我自我介绍一下。我叫***,今年26岁,出生于**省。毕业于**学院**专业。我在***年毕业获得学士学位。大学期间,我努力学习,掌握了基本的专业知识。成为一名优秀的企业经理人是我长期渴望的梦想。我渴望有机会施展我的才能。

本科毕业后,我在***实习,从事***工作,扎实的会计专业课基础使我在工作中如鱼得水。实习期间,我努力做好本职工作的同时,注意发现大厅人员管理中的问题,并带来了很多新颖的可操作的发展思路。2014年,我进入***公司,从事***工作。较强的逻辑思维能力和系统思维能力,使我在工作中能够正确处理***工作方方面面的问题。通过参加公司内部计 mba面试自我介绍 mba面试自我介绍1 各位老师,早上好!很荣幸有机会参加此次面试。我希望今天我能有好的表现。我希望此次面试能够成功。现在,请允许我自我介绍一下。我叫***,今年26岁,出生于**省。毕业于**学院**专业。我在***年毕业获得学士学位。大学期间,我努力学习,掌握了基本的专业知识。成为一名优秀的企业经理人是我长期渴望的梦想。我渴望有机会施展我的才能。


最后我希望9月份能够以学生的身份出现在这里,聆听各位老师的教诲!我的介绍完了,谢谢!mba面试自我介绍2 各位老师,早上好。首先我先自我介绍一下。我叫xxx,今年xx岁,来自xxx地方,20xx年我本科毕业于xxx大学,主修xxx专业,毕业后我进入的第一家公司是xxxxxxx公司,我的岗位是xxxx,我负责xxxxx,在这个公司的几年内我获得了xxxx方面的提升,我进入的第二家公司是xxxxxxx公司,我的岗位是xxxx,我负责xxxxx,在这个公司的几年内我达成了xxxx项目,帮助企业获得了xxx万的利润或者对公司产生了xxx长远影响。另外我在公司期间,每年都获得xxx奖章/奖励,我曾带领我的团队(几个人)完成了xxx项目,通过这个项目我的xxx能力获得了极大提升,同时获得了同事的大力支持和认可,为我以后的职业发展奠定了坚实的基础。我想考mba的原因很简单,因为我的职位在公司近几年一直处于上升状态,我发现在大学当中学习的知识不足以支持我很好的胜任我现在的管理岗位,所以我非常希望通过咱们xxxx大学的深造,让我的职业生涯能够更顺利的提升;同时咱们xxx大学的专业是全国mba商学院中排名都非常考前非常有特色,这点能够很好的帮助我完善我的管理经验;还有一点,咱们xxx大学的校友会在xxx行业的影响力非常强,我希望在xxx大学学习的同时,能够很好的拓展行业内的人脉圈。mba面试自我介绍3 各位老师好,我叫邓小群,1998年毕业于哈尔滨工业大学.同年分配到北京工作,现在就职一家外企亿书堂公司市场部部门经理。下面我想从两个方面介绍一下我自己。工作业绩:




在亿书堂公司,作为市场部部门经理,带领客户经理,面对包括北大方正等竞争对手,最终将我们的软件系统与惠普、康柏、恒基伟业四大随身电脑硬件平台捆绑成功!使我们的软件成为该行业的一种标准!mba面试自我介绍4 各位老师,早上好!很荣幸有机会参加此次面试。我希望今天我能有好的表现。我希望此次面试能够成功。现在,请允许我自我介绍一下。我叫***,今年26岁,出生于**省。毕业于**学院**专业。我在***年毕业获得学士学位。大学期间,我努力学习,掌握了基本的专业知识。成为一名优秀的企业经理人是我长期渴望的梦想。我渴望有机会施展我的才能。




最后我希望9月份能够以学生的身份出现在这里,聆听各位老师的教诲!我的介绍完了,谢谢!自我介绍 mba面试自我介绍5 goodmorning!fall,pleaseallowmetoexpremyappreciationfortheopportunitytotakepartintoday’isxxi’m29yearsold,i’atedfromthechongqingnormaluniversityinjuly,thepastsevenyears,eenstudyine,formypart,mbalearningwillbeapartofmyacademicjourney,andduringthiscolorfuljourneyiwillmeetdifferermoreamsureicanlearnalotfrommbacourses,i’manoptimistic,open-minded,eartime,iliketraveling,eithinktheycanpoadenmyhorizon(视野更开阔?)with7yearsworkingexperiences,,thatisall,面试自我介绍6 is***,rom******,thecapitalof*******atedfromthe*******departmentof*****universityinjuly,asttwoyearsihavebeenpreparingforthepostgraduateexaminationwhileihavebeenteaching*****inno.****n-minded,aretime,eadingbooks,especiallythoseabout*******.fretion,duringmycollegeyears,,s,e,ifiamgivenachancetostudy******inthisfamousuniversity,iwillspare noefforttomasteragoodcommandofadvance******.





------------------brief introduction

i’m feng yu can call me dirk, which is my english name.i was born in 1972 and now i am 31 years of 6 years learning in the yuyao no.1 high school, i enrolled as a student in the ningbo accantancy school in 1990 majoring in finance and both an excellent student and activist in the school, i was a no.1 winner in the "national day speech contest" and a vice-president of the first

literature society of our school.i took my first work immediately after graduation in r i am not satisfied with my education ore i took part in the self-qualification is a 6 years hard work and i was rewarded a bachelor’s degree of economics majoring in accounting as well as a bachelor’s degree of literature majoring in i have two bachelor’s first job starts with ningbo furniture cooperation, which is a big state-owned g as an accountant there for almost 6 years i

acquired a lot of experience in the accounting r i am not very happy with the management style of the state-owned i took my own advice and joined ningbo kk color display ., a color monitor manufacturer from japan.i was primarily responsible for cost accounting and accounts receivable

is a well-known electronics giant.i learned a lot there on how to operate a modern is in 1999 that i had big change in my career.i was invited to join suzhou sunny air tools working there as a financial is a subsidiary of world famous manufacturer a listed company from the states, sears has about 141 plants all the world with annual sales approximates 12 billion us$.we have 9 plants in is with sunny that i improved myself a great only had i the chances to touch the financial reporting and the internal control system, i also got experience in implementing erp e of my outstanding job, i was held responsible for the it

function and warehouse function e the fact i am pretty succeful with sears, i decided to move back to ningbo in the beginning of this i am the finance director of ningbo is the second largest fast food supplier in the has two plants in ningb ningbo brown and ningbo may know about or even are a consumer of our product: yokey a profeional i want to continuously challenge myself and contribute more to my is the reason why i never stopped learning and worked very hard.i am a certified public accountant of china and now i want to get a cpa license of the u.k.i hope that one day i could have a regional responsibility in my be the asia-pacific financial order to live up my dreams, i need to endeavor in many directions, first and foremost, to improve my leadership and communication skills and keep abreast of latest development of management could be

achieved by taking a mba course.i wonder whether you could do me some favor and let me have the opportunity… that is all about !



my background

i was born in a small village of shan dong province on april 4th, i was young, my family was very poor, so i had to work to earn money to help my parents after cla when i was in the middle 1986 i was admitted by university of international busine and economics(or: uibe)to pursue a bachelor degree in major is accounting in department of international busine undergraduate education gave me a wide range of vision and taught me how to cooperate with others.i developed several profeional interests in accounting, finance, and international following eight-year working experience offered me a good chance to give full play to my creativity, intelligence and 1990-1993, i worked as an aistant to funding manager in china national technical import and export

1993-present, i was employed by china kingdom import and export corporation to be the manger of financial and accounting division.i do believe that with my hard early life, solid educational background and ample working experience, i would be an excellent student of you mba personal accomplishment:

after graduating from uibe, i was employed as the aistant to the funding manager by china national technical import and export reading a lot of related files, and analyzing the overall funding situation of the corporation, i found that the loan policy was not been put into we have thousands of millions rmb loan with very high interest rate while a large amount of cash in bank with very low interest rate was idle.i reported this to my supervisor, and then we studied and revised the loan revision saved the corporation

approximately rmb thirty millions order to raise the funding effectivene, after one year’s hard work, i developed the internal banking system within the corporation based on the actual funding supply and need of the different divisions and internal banking system made full use of the corporation’ funding resources, and due to this, i was highly praised by the president of the choose your mba program?(可以用来回答面试官的提问)

after i have worked in busine area for eight years, i feel that i need to

continue my education by pursuing a master degree in busine administration.i have practiced my profeional expertise in accounting, demonstrated my leadership abilities and perfected my communication i have yet to become an entrepreneur in my own right, and to fully master the art of modern busine.i want to be trained more vigorously in scientific methods of analysis and are a lot of opportunities and challenges in china that i do not yet fell fully confident to busine career has so far benefited mostly the companies that i worked for, but a good busine education in your university will probably become a new era for university is well known for its excellence in china’s busine education.i am sure that, with my extensive busine experience, i can be a worthy student of yours.i am anxious to benefit from your seasoned guidance and take advantage of your research name is li-guotao, i am 35 years old.i graduated from shanghai petrom chemical college in major is economic n, i was aigned to the second construction corporation of sinopec of the first four years, i worked in supply 1995, i transferred to league commiion of corporation, and became a commiioner in charge of organization and the end of 1999, i moved to wuxi project department as material was the first time that i became a head of an office had only three members, but we were in charge of purchase order over 13 million , i worked as a director of material office again for qingjiang project and yizheng ng from early 2002, i returned back to headquarter and joined human resource department.i like my job very much and always try my best to do r i feel my knowledge is not enough sometimes because of the development of science and technology.i decided to go back school to study again.i entered zhejiang university distance college in major is electronic i am writing the paper.i will graduate in the coming two years, i am planning to study in aetna school of management of sjtu, which is one of the best busine schools in china.i believe

that my study experience will significantly help my career development in ’s you!

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