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2023-11-22 互联网 实用范文



2. high efficiency: hard-working, able to stay up late to work overtime, work quality and efficiency of first place

3. good overall performance: good health, not destroy burn the midnight oil, there is a strong will and physique; good theoretical foundation, architecture majors in college, a solid foundation; good practical experience in design institute to do the work of many years of theory with practice; it covered a wide range, in addition to construction and planning, real estate and national economic laws equally well known.

4. good karma: unity colleagues, contact classmates, studied at teacher, make friends, team spirit, strong collective sense of honor.

5. good communication skills: listen to the rational, emotional expression; steady character, cheerful, optimistic.

6. good organization and coordination capacity: as a project hosted, responsible for communication with the party, and the design team management, coordination architecture, structure, water, heating, electricity various professionals work together to complete the whole project.

1. 性价比高:多设计院工作经验,已获得一级注册建筑师证

2. 效率高:吃苦耐劳,能熬夜加班,工作效率质量放第一

3. 综合性能好:身体好,熬夜加班摧不垮,有坚强的意志和体魄;理论基础好,建筑学科班出身,基础坚实;实践经验好,在设计院做了多年理论联系实践的工作;涉猎广泛,除了建筑和规划,对房地产业和国家经济规律同样熟知。

4. 人缘好:团结同事,联系同学,求学于名师,广交朋友,有团队精神,集体荣誉感强。

5. 沟通能力好:理性听取,感性表达;性格稳重开朗,乐观向上。

6. 组织协调能力好:担任工程主持,负责与甲方沟通,并管理设计团队,协调建筑、结构、水、暖、电各专业人员协同工作,完成完整项目。


as a unit of a cashier, in charge of the company's daily income and expenditure, self-inductance work pressure, so at work on their own requirements are very strict, careful effort, so since joining the work, especially in social leadership and colleagues care and support, to consciously abide by the country's financial policies and regulations, strictly implement the tasks assigned by higher authorities, conscientiously perform their duties, and strive to complete their work, has not been a big mistake. the following is my work identification:

first, abide by the rules and regulations, perform job responsibilities.

in the cashier work, be able to adhere to the daily business at the end of serious rolling cash income, pay the amount of the registration book, the amount of money to pay the cash register, double the counter, double tube library 'requirements,' self- and check with the cash inventory to ensure that the cash inventory and the actual inventory of cash, general ledger balance, consistent with the accounts do, accounts match. to seriously deal with the size of the rmb currency, the exchange of damage currency business, the whole point to be accurate, pier qi, pick the net, tied tightly, seal clear, timely check on the water accounts and cash receipts and registers. in strict accordance with the vault storage system, do a good job in the treasury of the custody of the treasury in charge, with the same into the same.

second, forge ahead in unity and work together to create a good working environment.

"solidarity with others, and people are good" has always been my criteria for others. in the work, to unite colleagues, live in harmony, learn from each other, promote each other; in life, help each other, mutual concern and work together to create a harmonious atmosphere. at the same time, continue to self-positioning, update their ideas, improve service awareness, enhance service levels.

third, enhance awareness of prevention, the implementation of the "three anti-one."

security aspects. work more and more, i can continue to enhance the sense of security precautions, the duty period to keep strictly in accordance with the "three anti-one" requirements, conscientiously implement the preventive measures, memorize anti-theft anti-riot plan, master, kinds of prevention equipment, do a good job "three" anti-lock check. often check the circuit, the phone is normal, to prevent the performance of the device is in good condition, when the abnormal situation can be handled on the spot on the spot processing, can not deal with the initiative to the upper reporting, etc., can always keep a clear head, enhance security awareness , and to ensure that the 24-hour duty-bound to keep out of control, to protect the credit of the property security.

fourth, strengthen theoretical study, improve their overall quality.

over the past year, i have been able to take the initiative to study the country's financial policies and regulations and the spirit of the document issued by the association, strengthen ideological and moral construction, improve professional training, establish a correct outlook on life and values; to strengthen their sense of love and dedication to cultivate, to further enhance the sense of responsibility, dedication to the spirit of ownership of their own work, so that "dry line, love line, special line", firmly establish the "social xing xing i, to fully establish the "customer first" service concept, the quality of civilization as a measure of the work of the standards to strict demands on themselves, and consciously accept the supervision of our customers regularly carry out criticism and self-criticism, and strive to be a to participate in credit cooperatives to actively participate in various learning and training activities, conscientiously do study notes, and in practical work to be used in their spare time, self-study undergraduate courses, to participate in distance education examinations, for betterto adapt to the needs of each job to lay a good foundation.

in short, the understanding of their work to have a higher awareness, and constantly strengthen themselves, improve work efficiency and accuracy, although in this regard there are still many deficiencies, such as financial accounting knowledge is not enough, the unit reform to befurther understanding, etc., but i believe that the leadership of the care and support at the next level, with the enthusiastic help of colleagues, i will certainly do a better job stable and better for the new year will have better results.


blink of an eye 10 years have gone, we ushered in a new year. summing up the work of the past year, from a personal point of view about the measurement of awareness.

quality is the life, quality is the fundamental guarantee for enterprise development. in the fierce competition in the construction market today, how to improve the construction quality management level is every enterprise managers must think about. factors affecting the quality of construction in all aspects. from the engineering measurement point of view, analyze the work of measuring the pay-off to ensure and improve the quality of the construction of an important role, and simply how to strengthen the management of measurement work to improve the quality of construction.

it is a very important technical work of municipal road engineering that the measuring and measuring line is an important technical work. it is inseparable from the whole process of construction, from the preparation before construction to the completion of the construction, to the final acceptance after construction. how to do a quick and good measurement of the line, is a basic technical skills and test the basic requirements.

do the measurement before the commencement of the end

before the start of the project, the survey and design units shall be responsible for on-site surveying and settlement according to the design documents, and the site standard point, conductor piles and crossing point piles shall be clearly identified according to the design drawings. within the measurement of signs, must take appropriate protection measures. on the measurement of the end, it is necessary to emphasize the protection of pile position, that is, in the design unit after pile, should be timely use of brick piers or pouring cement pier and other methods to be protected, so as not to lose. these piles are generally farmland or residential areas, it is easy to be man-made destruction, and once destroyed, let the survey and design units to fill test, then delay the construction, but also increase the cost.

midline retest and edge loft

center line measurement is based on the alignment measurement, the road center line plane position on the ground marked in detail. it is the difference with the alignment measurement is: alignment measurement, but the intersection of the road and the straight line segment of the necessary turning point marked out, and in the midline measurement, according to the intersection and the turning point with a series of stakes will road straight segment and curve segments are specified in detail on the ground.

the alignment survey is usually carried out by the survey and design units, and then the pile and measurement results to the construction side, the construction unit by the middle line and construction measurement.

subgrade construction should be fully restored before the center line, according to the restoration of the pile in the road and the relevant provisions of the roadbed side of the pile. on the midline re-measurement and edge lofting, should pay attention to the following points;

one should pay attention to the distance between the intersection, the direction is consistent with the drawings; such as an engineering project has several tenders, should pay attention to the center of the adjacent tenders are closed, midline measurements should be in-depth adjacent tenders 50 ~ 100 m; attention should be paid to the center of the structure such as bridge and culvert is closed; should pay attention to the relative position of the building and other buildings and drawings are consistent. if you find problems in a timely manner to identify the reasons for the design unit.

second, retaining pile set. it is very important to set up pile protection pile in the middle of the road, but these piles are easy to be destroyed during the construction. therefore, it is necessary to carry out the restoration and surveying work of the middle pile during the construction of the roadbed. in order to quickly and accurately restore the center pile in the original position, must be on the road before the construction of the main control point of the pile such as the intersection point, turning point, curve control points set up retaining pile. the so-called retaining pile, is outside the scope of the construction is not easy to be destroyed where some stakes set ing to these pile, with simple methods (such as the intersection point, range, etc.), you can quickly restore the original pile point.

set the pile should pay attention to the following aspects: in each straight section of the road, at least three control piles to set up retaining pile, so even if there is a control pile can not be restored, the other two points can be used to restore the straight section to the original position; the intersection angle of the two direction lines as close as possible to 90 °, should not be less than 30 ° angle of intersection; retaining pile should be selected outside the scope of construction, but not too far away; pile distance can not be too far; the retaining pile must be solid and reliable, pile to facilitate the erection of measuring instruments and observation.

set up retaining pile of curve side. for the curve segment, because of the more difficult to determine the side of the pile, re-measuring time-consuming more, so after a precise line, the edge of the curve section of the pile pile should also be set representative pile, which can reduce repeat the measurement, reducing the measurement workload.

third, the laying of mileage pile. after the midline pile is fixed, it is possible to lay out the control pile of the mileage pile on this basis. mileage pile layout principle is: in the straight section, generally arranged in every 100 meters of the entire pile of cross-section, similar to the common road construction 100 meters pile layout; in the curve section of the pile to be properly encrypted, in the curve mileage pile can be large stakes, above the mileage mark with paint or ink station, into the road outside the scope of construction on both sides of the ground, it is best to play on each side of a . to ensure that the construction is not easy to damage the case, from the embankment edge should be as close as possible to facilitate the use, generally 1 to 2 meters.

the laying of mileage piles is not addressed in most of the surveying and setting-out sections of the construction manual, and is not taken into account at many sites. i found in some sites, some construction technicians in the construction survey, the determination of the distance station is a long distance from a foot a foot row over, not only a waste of time and prone to cumulative error. if the mileage stakes are not allowed, then the elevation, slope quality control is out of the question.

third, the proofreading and additional standard point

first, the use of design units set up before the standard point should be carefully checked, close the gap may not exceed the limit, such as exceeding the allowable deviation should identify the reasons and promptly reported to the relevant departments. the design unit delivers the leveling points normally set several months ago. these points in the field can easily be man-made collision or natural subsidence due to the ground changes, so be sure to carefully review before use; second, the standard point of additional principles: the distance is generally 150 to 200 meters, plus transfer station for the principle. the additional standard point should be closed with the design unit to pay the standard point, such as an engineering project at several tenders, but also with the adjacent standard segment of the standard point of closure, the closure may not exceed the limit.

the position of the leveling point shall be located on a solid, non-sinking, non-touching ground or a solid building of a permanent building. can also be installed in the protection of deep-buried wood piles or concrete piles, and make clear signs. the leveling point should be checked once a month, and the level of the spot where the movement is suspected should be checked after re-inspection.

vertical and horizontal cross-section measurement

through the midline re-test, side piles line and the laying of the standard point, you can measure the vertical and horizontal cross-section. the main purpose of vertical and horizontal cross-section measurement is to calculate the amount of earth, so the vertical and horizontal cross-section measurement after the end of the measurement results should be checked with the design drawings. where the results with the original within the allowable deviation, the original results shall prevail, and only when there are significant differences with the original results, can be reported to the supervisory engineer after verification changes. it should be noted that: the work must be carried out before construction. if the measured amount of earth and the design does not conform to the supervision of the approval should also be carried out before site excavation to the supervisor before the actual amount of earthwork and design does not match, require additional visa, but the final supervision be sure to pay attention to the timeliness of the work.


time flies, a semester is soon over, look back six months can say hectic and gain a lot. thanks for all school leaders and teachers care and help to make progress and i have to improve in all aspects. next, i work for the past six months to do a brief review and summary of the following aspects.

one. ability to work

1. in the teaching process has always been implementing the concept of the new education curriculum reform. accurate understanding and firmly grasp the core concept of the new curriculum, so that the classroom to life, for students living in the world and social practice. to independence, cooperation and explore ways of learning to enable students to participate in the teaching, so that the classroom is full of new vitality.

2. the stringent requirements of students, respect for students, promote the teaching of democracy, so that students learning anything, and continuously improve, so as to continuously improve their teaching and ideological consciousness, successfully completed the task of teaching.

3. the teaching process as teachers and cooperation, interaction and common development, to achieve the integration of teachers' role shifting, curriculum and instruction, effectively improve the teaching ability.

two. business learning

1. strengthen theoretical, empirical articles, and the outline of learning. more learning, extensive learning education teaching theoretical knowledge, efforts to form a more complete theoretical knowledge structure,

2. participate seriously in every teaching and research activities, and seriously make a record.

3. outstanding teachers to observe school curriculum, and do a good job recording and analysis. problems in the teaching process involved should take the initiative to consult an experienced and excellent teachers learn from each other.

4. more specifically research, done carefully prepare each lesson, and study materials, and strive to better each lesson. in the preparation process of careful analysis of materials, design lesson plans based on the actual situation of teaching materials and student characteristics. in the classroom, trying to mobilize the enthusiasm of the students, as much as possible so that each student participate in the classes.

5. do a good job teaching reflection, so that learning - practice exchange --- --- summarized. serious reflection and good record, record your own shortcomings to be improved and part of correct and timely, so that i can do in the teaching process weaknesses, for every time there is progress, to reinforce the foundation.

6. increased reading time, more books, more records. after school, i insist often read books and newspapers, such as "young teachers", "new education", "moral education" and other magazines and newspapers. multi-capture all aspects of information, constantly filling and make up their own to improve their own gold comprehensive cultural knowledge. to understand the dynamic information of teaching, often the internet to find some excellent lesson plans courseware learning, strive to improve their teaching level, so i gain a lot, both on the students and interpersonal skills, or arrange classroom teaching, i there had been substantial progress.

7. improve courseware making skills, and take advantage of the school's multimedia teaching equipment, widely used in teaching.

three. aspects of personal qualities

1. continuous learning and thinking, improve their professional and ethical standards.

2. hands, according to the direction of professional ethics to do to promote further improve the quality of self and perfection.

3. introspective self-test, the importance of personal language, instruments, and other aspects of the specification and correct, and constant self-reflection, to better fulfill a teacher standards.

the above is my summary of self-improvement of the semester, this semester's work, although coming to an end, but in the future of education and teaching, i will continue to work hard to true love and true heart to fulfill my educational duties.




















as a salesman in the baiyun side for many years in the marketing staff, has always been, i think in marketing must have: sensitive response capability, know how to guess the customer psychological changes, product awareness and interpretation, language skills , a good psychological quality. after several years of efforts and struggle has also been some experience.

first, to sell products to have confidence

i think a qualified salesman must first have full confidence, only to their confidence, in order to eliminate the fear of customers in order to give themselves a clear idea, the product through the smooth language to sell to customers.

one is to have self-confidence in their own image, only self-confidence, in order to have enough courage to face all kinds of customers. no one can be born on natural beauty, and we face each customer's aesthetic point of view is not the same as saying that one-third of appearance, seven dressed, so at work or in the face of customers, we should pay attention to instrument,dress and dress up on their own image strengths and weaknesses, so that their spirit, temperament display the best. second, the products to be self-confidence to sell, to believe that baiyun series of liquor, whether brand, taste, sales, customer acceptance, in the same product will always be the best, in addition to a comprehensive understanding of baiyun edge series , we have to choose to understand the 1-2 stores in the more competitive products of similar information, identify the entry point to further enhance the confidence of selling products, to be able to cope with the marketing process may be a variety of problems, meet different customers and different needs.

not to sell an excuse to fail, not to visit failed to complain, i firmly believe that as long as their confidence, confidence in the product, then we have been successful in half.

second, to determine the target object

although china has a no-feast banquet custom, but with the continuous improvement of people's material level of life, the emergence of various types of wealth disease, customer hospitality wine culture also occurs microsecond changes in people's eating habits from the past material to meet the type to the present health and comfort type gradually in the transformation of a single hotel store sales have been not suited to the needs of the situation, so we need to change marketing strategy in the protection of customer sales face to face sales, to determine some key customers to buy type to promote, to ensure our market share.

one in the face-to-face marketing to learn when the wind blows, in-depth understanding of customer mental activity and accurate judgment of customers, spotted in the reception can determine the factors, and then guests can be quickly and accurately positioned according to the recommended product positioning, according to the chinese habits, products in the positioning to provide three kinds of products with the same brand for customers to choose. the second is to establish a good customer relationship network, in the daily sales process to determine the key customer object to regular etiquette to visit, the formation of a good network of relationships, and gradually expand to the group buy, the development of a consolidated one.

third, warm and secure service

in the same industry in the fierce competition, we can think of, others have thought, we can do, others have done, to learn innovative service approach to warm and thoughtful service, for every customer service.

first, the hospitality to be warm, in the hotel stores, regardless of whether or not to choose baiyun side of the product customers are greeted with smile, to provide convenience for the guests; established key customers to be more proactive and generous service.

second, delivery to be fast, new and old customers to send the product requirements, be sure to achieve rapid delivery, especially high-end users.

perseverance, rotten wood does not fold, perseverance, stone can be lou. this statement shows that success is the need for a spirit. marketing staff need this will, have not up to the goal of not giving up the faith, have the opportunity to success. marketing is a long and arduous road, not only to maintain the momentum of the full spirit of the business, but also to uphold the conviction, self-motivation, self-inspired in order to survive in the end, through numerous difficulties to the final victory.

上一篇:2022年个人出租房合同下载(十五 下一篇:最新时间简史读书心得500字(四篇