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2022-06-01 互联网 民间谚语

1、           不劳无获。
No pain,no gain.

2、           宁静最好。
Silence is best.

3、           人有傻福。
Fools have fortune.

4、           好聚好散。
Good gather,good part.

5、           杀人终将败露。
Murder will out.

6、           对牛弹琴。
Cast pearls before swine.

7、           画饼充饥。
Draw a cake to satisfy hunger.

8、           急水不沸。
A watched pot is never boiling.

9、           一报还一报。
What goes around comes around.

10、           保存好,东西好找。
Well kept,well found.

11、           谋士多,安全。
Many hands make light work.

12、           没有消息就是好消息。
No news is good news.

13、           草多可绑象。
Many straws may bind an elephant.

14、           主战者不打仗。
The chief combatants do not fight.

15、           听得快,言行慢。
Be swift to hear,slow to speak.

16、           多行不义必自杀。
Many wrongs will kill themselves.

17、           家家难免有败类。
Every family has its black sheep.

18、           美名胜过美。
A good name is better than a good face.

19、           没有知识,才是贫穷。
Without knowledge is poverty.

20、           仁爱必须由近到远。
Charity must go from near to far.

21、           狗在家门前很凶。
Every dog is valiant at his own door.

22、           知识可以缓解恐惧。
Knowledge is the antidote to fear.

23、           平静的海上易驾驶船。
A calm sea is easier to navigate.

24、           人越活越想活。
The more you live,the more you want to live.

25、           多言吃苦,沉默少祸。
Many words suffer,but silence seldom.

26、           浅薄的知识是危险的。
A little learning is a dangerous thing.

27、           一知半解,害已误人。
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

28、           虚荣可以开花,但从不结果。
Vanity blossoms but never bears.

29、           大智若愚。静水流深。
Still waters run deep. Still waters run deep.

30、           骨肉越亲,恩情越深。
The closer the kindred,the deeper the kindness.

31、           问题不是活多久,而是活多久。
The question is not how long,but how.

32、           熟路好遵,老朋友最珍贵。
Familiar paths and old friends are the best.

33、           如果你不想犯错误,你将一事无成。
He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.

34、           不要因为害怕贫困而放弃自由。
Do not through fear of poverty surrender liberty.

35、           有时间要利用,因为时间要消失。
Take time while time is,for time will be away.

36、           早睡早起身体好。
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy.英语谚语大全

37、           智者思其所言,愚者言其所思。
Wise men think what they say,fools what they think.

38、           以德报德是常识,以德报怨大丈夫。
Good for good is natural,good for evil is manly.

39、           如果爱情做得好,你必须自己做。
If you would have a thing well done,do it yourself.

40、           不要气馁,朋友,振作起来,干!
Don39;t be discouraged,my friend. Cheer up and do it!

41、           真理可能会被指责,但永远不会被羞辱。
Truth may be blamed,but shall never be shamed.

42、           爱和得到爱是人生最大的幸福。
To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence.

43、           多做事最简单的方法就是一次只做一件事。
The easiest way to do more than one thing at a time.

44、           事情不好也不坏,都是自己想的。
There is no such thing as good or bad,it39;s all in your own mind.

45、           奇迹很多,但没有什么比人更奇妙的了。
Miracles are many,but nothing is more wonderful than man.

46、           要使农家富足,必须养鸡养牛。
To make a farmer rich and rich,he must raise both chickens and cattle.

47、           一次被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。
Once bitten by a snake,one fears a coiled rope for the next ten years./Once bitten,twice shy.

48、           一辈子都不做傻事,但要听几百遍。
One cannot do a foolish thing once in one39;s life,but one must hear of it a hundred times.

49、           儿子只有在结婚前才是儿子,而女儿一生都是女儿。"
A son is a son until he has a wife,but a daughter is a daughter all her life.

50、           三件事最难∶保守秘密,忘记伤害和充分利用能量。
Three things are the most difficult: to keep a secret,to forget an injury,and to use energy wisely.

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