3、Think on the growing of rice whenever you dine.
4、Remember how silk is obtained which keeps you warm and looks fine.
5、流血流汗不流泪,掉皮掉肉不掉队Keep a stiff upper lip.
6、训练场上流血汗,就餐桌上补回来。Food supplies energy for tense training.
7、快乐生活每一天,开心享受每一餐Live a happy life every day, enjoy nice meals every time.
8、多份营养,多份健康,战斗力就多一份保障。More nutrition and more health guarantee more fighting strength.
9、粒米,千滴汗,粒粒粮食汗珠换。Food is precious, please do not waste it. 或者是 Please do not waste food.
10、食堂卫生不是他的责任,而是你和我的责任。The hygiene of canteen doesn’t count on him but on you and me.
11、自觉遵守饭堂秩序,养成饮食卫生习惯。Follow the canteen order spontaneously;Cultivate hygienic dining habits.